Friday, April 11, 2014

You Are Only Addressing the Symptoms of Acid Reflux!

In today's society there are so many commercials for acid reflux relief products.i is no wonder due to the fact that one of every two people have acid reflux problems. It is a very lucrative business for the marketers of the "pop the pill" mentality, who instantly give relief to the growing problem of acid reflux across the population.

The problem is that these so called relief pills, do that. They just give you relief from your current episode of heartburn or acid reflux. Because they do so well at giving that instant relief, many people just carry around bottles of antacids, pop one when they feel the onset of reflux, get relief and go on their marry way with the rest of their day. With many people this has become a habit. So much so that people don't even know how much they spend on these products over the course of a year.

Still others, who have chosen to consult with their doctors are prescribed pills to prevent the onset of the acid reflux and gerd So you take a pill once a day whether you may have the symptom or not to prevent any symptoms from concurring from your real problem.  These people, which may include you are spending lots of money each year again to null the symptoms and not cure the problem.

All the manufacturers of these prescription and non prescription pills and potions love the fact that you are depending on them for relief. What you don't stop to thing about is that you will always need to take these products because you are not addressing the problem itself. You are never going to solve the acid reflux and gerd by taking pills. Never.

The round and round circle comes and goes and no one is better off except the people making money off what you are taking, whether over the counter or prescription. You are now forced to be addicted to living this way and making sure that you are never without your constant companion of antacids or acid inhibitors.

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